We are committed to an inclusive education for all children at St Anselm’s.
Our school moto is 'Success for All'.
All children learn in different ways and develop differently. Some children may need support in certain subjects or have a particular area of difficulty. Children with additional needs are given the support they need both within and outside the classroom. We follow the SEN Code of Practice of Assessment (September 2014.) Please see our Local Offer for detailed further information of what we provide for all children.
There are 4 areas of needs:
1. Communication and language
2. Cognition and learning
3. Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
4. Physical or sensory needs
Mrs Sarrah Gissing is our school staff member responsible for SEND / Inclusion.
If you have any questions or queries about your child's SEN/D (Special Educational Needs / Disability)
Please contact the School Office to arrange a meeting with Mrs Gissing
Contact via School Office
Telephone: 020 8574 3906
Email: office@st-anselms.ealing.ealing.sch.uk