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Maths Curriculum



We want children to be confident and flexible mathematicians.  We want them to identify patterns in number  and apply their understanding of mathematics to the wider world.



We have implemented the White Rose Maths (WRM) scheme across the school to focus on teaching the concrete, pictorial, abstract method to our pupils.  Pupils are encouraged across all ability and age ranges to use physical manipulatives, pictorial representations, and abstracts across their learning in line with guidance from the EEF (2022).  This has meant that children have had a greater understanding of number and this has been reflected in their ability to represent numbers in a variety of mediums.  We use diagnostics at the beginning and end of each unit to assess what gaps the children have and cover these regularly through the use of retrieval starters throughout the year.  We are currently looking at how to develop this further as there is still some improvement to be made applying this knowledge to real world problems.  We provide regular CPD sessions to aid new strategies and give adequate planning time to achieve these goals.



Children are teaching more practical lessons for the children grounded in real life.  Children are overwelmingly positive about maths at St. Anselm's and teachers are more confident in the use of manipulatives to aid progression in maths.  SEND children have more scaffolded learning based on these manipulatives use, but still expect to answer some reasoning and problem-solving questions.

  • Strengths: Children are positive about maths and our data reflects that we are above national expectations when it comes to end of year attainment.  Teachers are now using concrete manipulatives more effectively to aid learning in their lessons and using retrieval starters to aid the development of their children.
  • Areas to Develop: Through we have high numbers of children achieving the expected standard, our numbers for greater depth mastery are not as strong. Therefore, we are exploring ways to improve this through resources from NCETM, NRICH and regular CPD.


Clearly Structured Lessons

In Nursery and Reception, children will complete their mathematics following the free-flow structure required at this age range. From year 1 to year 6, children will complete mathematics daily using the starter of their lesson for retrieval/revisiting previously taught concepts before beginning the new lesson. Children will understand that mathematics is not a series of individual lessons, but there is a clear link between one lesson and the next with the progression of skills across year groups. Research highlights the need for children to revisit skills frequently to embed them in their LTM (Long Term Memory). 


Concrete- Pictorial- Abstract Concept

We understand that children should all be able to solve abstract problems by the end of each topic. However, not all children will initially have the ability to do so. Therefore, using the CPA (Concrete, pictorial, abstract) methods we can scaffold their learning effectively so that all children can access mathematics. This scaffolding should drive progress for the children of our school with the eventual aim that all children can complete these abstract calculations.


Reasoning and Problem-Solving

For children to be successful at mathematics, they must have a clear understanding of the core principles of mathematics and be able to apply these skills to various problems. By exposing children to skills in a variety of contexts, this will develop their resilience and understanding of how to apply these concepts to real-world problems.


As well as a variety of pictorial problems which prepare them for assessments, the children will be given word problems, reasoning problems and problem-solving activities which prepare them for later life. A crucial component of children’s enthusiasm for any subject is an understanding of its place in the real world- something these problems will show them.


Variety of Methods

We recognise that not all children are the same. One of the joys of mathematics is the ability to solve a problem in a variety of ways. Therefore, by exposing children to a selection of methods, we give the children the best possible chance of finding a way to make maths work for them.

We will give them access to a variety of written and mental methods for calculations, ways to identify key information in questions, sentence stems to help structure their answers and pictorial methods (such as the bar method) to allow them to tackle detailed problems.

During each phase of their learning, children have rich opportunities to reason mathematically. Exposure to daily mental and written calculations, enables children to grow in confidence in trying out their own methods, justifying their thoughts and seeking more elegant solutions to practical problems. In solving real-life problems the children become efficient in breaking down problems into a series of simple steps. The children enjoy using ‘MyMaths’ an interactive learning resource, which challenges all learners at home and school in different areas of Maths. The children’s persevering nature for solving problems enables them to achieve well in their learning, equipping them for life.



Pupil Voice

I like that it is good for our brains. (Year 2 Pupil)

We learn about - + methods. (Year 2 Pupil)

I like that it is challenging and makes me think. (Year 4 Pupil)

I like using new methods to solve hard problems. (Year 4 Pupil)

We get to expand our knowledge.  (Year 6 Pupil)

We know algebra and most concepts now. (Year 6 Pupil)

Year Group ~ Long Term Plans

Year 2 Maths Lesson

Year 2 Concrete Subtraction with Exchange

Our maths day this year was all about time! The children arrived at school that morning blissfully unaware that we had been HACKED (not really). It was up to them to solve calculations based on the year group time objectives and gain passwords to help break the hacker's control.


Our terrific time tutees were tasked with answering each question and finding the requisite letters needed to form a password; with prizes given for completing each level. Thanks to their efforts, the school was, in fact, saved and these children were rewarded with their very own electronic watches.
