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Family and Community

Family and Community


'All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would... distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.' Acts 2:44-45.


Jesus understood that people need each other.  We all need our families, friends, and neighbours.  He tells us that these important people can help us.  Jesus says that we must help them too.  By doing this, we create a loving community where everyone can live life to the full.


St. Anselm's Promotes Family and Community:


  • Pupil High School Applications.
  • School Counsellor supported by Catholic Children's Society.
  • Year 6 Transition-led by the Catholic Children's Society.
  • Mental Health Parent Worships led by the Catholic Children's Society.
  • Coffee Morning/Summer Fayre- Parent/Parish/Staff/Pupils Support.
  • Community Schools- Archangels: Gabriel, Raphael and Michael.
  • Prayer Partners: Prayer involving younger/older year groups and parents.
  • Parish/School prayer celebrations-Devotions/Mass/Collective Worship.
  • School Newsletters
  • Pope Francis Award Celebrations.
  • Praying across the Borders-Ealing Deanery School coming together in prayer.

