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Meet the Governors


The Governing Body at St Anselm's Catholic Primary School 


The Governing Body is responsible for the strategic development of the School and is made up of Appointed & Elected Governors.  Governors generally hold their office for a period of four years at a time.


Foundation Governors - who are appointed by the Archbishop. Foundation governors at the school represent the interests of the Diocese of Westminster who are trustees of the school. The role of the foundation governor is to ensure that the school is clearly recognisable as Christian in its ethos and that its role is seen in the provision for Catholic children of the Diocese.

Staff Governors The Headteacher is automatically eligible to be a full member of the Governing Board by virtue of the office. Headteachers have the choice of being a governor. Both teaching and support staff who are paid to work at the school are eligible to stand as staff governors. They are elected by other members of the staff at the school. The school has one staff governor.

Parent GovernorsParents of pupils registered at the school are eligible to stand for election as a parent governor. They are elected by other parents at the school. The school has two elected parent governors.


Local Authority GovernorLocal Authority governors are appointed by the Local Authority of Ealing. There is one Local Authority governor at St Anselm’s Catholic Primary School.


Associate Members - Appointed by the Governing Body to attend committee meetings due to their particular skills or experience. Associate members do not have full voting rights.



If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors (Mrs Gill Wickham) you can hand in a letter , marked CONFIDENTIAL, for the attention of Mrs Wickham to the School Office: St Anselm's Catholic Primary School, Church Avenue, Southall, UB2 4BH.



Headteacher Governor:

Ms Kathleen Coll
Register of interests: None declared



Foundation Governors:


Mrs Gill Wickham -Chair of Governors
Term: 1st September 2022 – 31st August 2026
Register of interests: None declared

Sr Pat Armato -Vice-Chair of Governors
Term: 1st September 2022 – 31st August 2026

Register of interests: None declared

Mr Gerard Cutter
Term: 1st November 2021 - 31st August 2025

Register of interests: None declared


Miss Susan Cawley

Term: 1st September 2021– 31st August 2025
Register of interests: None declared


Mr Algeron Johnstone

Term: 31/3/23- 31st August 2026

Register of Interests: none declared






Parent Governor

Mrs Rain Henry

Term: 23rd March 2022 – 22nd March 2026
Register of interests: None declared


Parent Governor

Mrs Fayzel Rodricks

1st May 2023 to 30th April  2027

Staff Governor
Mrs Sarrah Gissing
Term: 1st September 2022– 31st August 2026
Register of interests: None declared

Local Authority Governor



Associate Governors:

Mrs Eileen Dhak – Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Susie Debono - School Business Manager

Mrs Christine Croker – Senior School Administrator


Clerk to the Governing Body

Mrs Gillian Kennedy 






Sept 2023 :

Committee Members for 2023 - 2024


Admissions Committee

Curriculum, Standards and Achievement Committee

Teachers and Pay Committee

Resources and Premises Committee

Miss S Cawley- Chair

Sr P Armato

Mrs C Croker- Associate

Sr P Armato

Ms K Coll

Miss Sue Cawley Chair

Mrs S Gissing

Mrs Rodricks


Mrs G Wickham - Chair

Mr A Johnstone

Miss S Cawley

Mrs Wickham

Mr G Cutter - Chair

Mrs Wickham

Mrs R Henry

Ms K Coll

Mrs S Debono -


