Home Page

Year 5




Class Teacher: Dcn Tito Pereira

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bunn

HLTA & SEN/D Support: Mrs Klair


PE Kit needed:  Tuesday and Wednesday


Peasants Princes and Pestilence.mp4

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Think of a number...

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We have been working on "Think of a number" problems. We have been investigating why they work and have written our own. Now have a go at one of our problems.

Black Death Workshop

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The Black Death

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Free Verse Poetry

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Our poems have been inspired by our topic - Stargazers.

Homework Projects

Earth, Sun and Moon.


You have two weeks to hand in your competition. The closing date is Friday 29th April. 

1. Space Fashion - headgear.

2. Astronauts who have landed on the moon.

3. 3d model of the Solar System.

Topic: Off With Her Head. Our Tudor Houses.

Buggy Beasts

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We have been making motor operated Buggy Beasts. These Critters can sure move!

Year 5 Sky News Report

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Scorpion Movie

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Joshua's first attempt at making an animation.

Animal Visit

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Y5 Science Investigating Levers

The Pharaohs

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Mummy where are you?

Ruby, the Chief Alchemist's Apprentice, Visits St Anselm's School
